$ Eddie Berman / CV (Back)


> Bachelor of Science Applied Physics; 2021-2025
> Bachelor of Science Mathematics; 2021-2025


> [Here]


> Network Science Institute, Northeastern University; 07/24-Present
> McCleary's Group, Northeastern University; 01/23-07/24
> Northeastern Summer Math Research Program; 05/23-07-23
> Air Force Research Laboratory; 06/22-08/22
> Griffiss Institute; 06/22-08/22

International Collaborations and Affiliations

> COSMOS-Web: The JWST Cosmic Origins Survey
> GammaTau AI
> NSF Institute for AI and Fundamental Interactions
> American Astronomical Society

Honors, Awards, and Funding

> Northeastern COS Dean's Undergraduate Research Award
> AJC Merit Scholarship (Declined)
> PEAK Summit Award
> Physics Research Co-op Fellowship
> PEAK Ascent Award
> REU Grant
> Dean's Scholarship


> Math 4571 Advanced Linear Algebra; Spring 2024
> Math 2331 Linear Algebra; Fall 2022


> COSMOS 2024: Cosmology with Cosmos Web (With Jacqueline McCleary)
> Northeastern University RISE Expo: Shear Optimization with ShOpt
> Rubin in Boston Day Lightning Talk: The JWST Point Spread Function
> Columbia University: The JWST Point Spread Function
> COSMOS 2023: Empirical Characterization of the NIRCam Point Spread Function (With Jacqueline McCleary)
> Brown University SUMS: Empirical Characterization of the PSF
> VICEROY Symposium

Community and Academic Service

> GammaTau Reading Group Organizer
> NEU Mathematics Engagement and Mentorship Association; President
> Society of Physics Students Northeastern Chapter; Events and Outreach Coordinator


> [Here]