$ Eddie Berman / CV / Northeastern Courses (Back)

> Math 7234 Optimization and Complexity (PhD Level)
> Math 7223 Riemannian Optimization (PhD Level)
> Phys 5118 General Relativity and Cosmology (Masters Level)
> Math 4994 Internship
> Math 4991 Research Independent Study (Machine Learning PDE Discovery)
> Phys 4606 Mathematical and Computational Methods for Physics
> Math 4571 Advanced Linear Algebra
> Math 4545 Fourier Series and PDEs
> Phys 4305 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
> Phys 4115 Quantum Mechanics
> Phys 3601 Electricity and Magnetism 1
> Engw 3307 Advanced Writing in the Sciences
> Math 3275 Advanced Group Theory
> Math 3181 Advanced Probability and Statistics
> Pols 2358 Current Issues in Cities and Suburbs
> Math 2341 Differential Equations and Linear Algebra
> Math 2321 Calculus 3 For Science and Engineering
> Musc 2320 40,000 Years of Music Technology
> Phys 2303 Modern Physics
> CS 1800 Discrete Structures
> ENVR 1500 Introduction to Environmental, Social, and Biological Data